Name : Dr. Prabhakar Apte
Web Bio : Emeritus Professor, Academy of Sanskrit Research Melukote (Karnataka). Sanskrit scholar Dr. Prabhakar Apte, is an authority on the Pāñcarātra āgamas, and his first paper on the subject was presented before the Kāñci Paramācarya. Apte’s translations of ‘Sāttvata Saṁhitā’ and ‘Pauśkara Saṁhitā,’ have been published by the Academy of Sanskrit Research, Melkote, and by the ‘Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati’, respectively. Dr. Apte is the visiting professor at Madras University, Chennai and is presently a guest lecturer with the Industrial Design centre, IIT Mumbai.
Dr. Apte has delivered special lectures at ‘Motilal Nehru Regional College of Engineering, Allahabad’; ‘Indira Gandhi National centre for Arts, New Delhi’; ‘Military Engineering College, Pune’; ‘ISRO, Bangalore’; ‘Paris University’ and ‘Montreal University, Canada’. He has specialization in Franco Hindu Jurisprudence, gamas, Linguistic, Lexicography and Hereditary sciences and technologies