Name : Ramanujam Parankusham
Web Bio : Veda Varidhi Dr. P. Ramanujan is a scholar of vedic tradition with advanced specialization in Taittireeya KrishnaYajurVeda, Vyakarana, Vishishtadvaita Vedanta & Nalayira Divya Prabandhams (4000 devotional songs) of Alwars in Tamil. He is the “ASTHANA VIDVAN”, Sri Ahobila Mutt, (a Vaishnavaite religious Institution founded in the year1398) in 1999 in recognition of traditional Sanskrit and Vedic scholarship and Honorary-In-Charge, Ahobila Muth Sanskrit-Computer projects, Ahobila Muth Sanskrit College, Madhurantakam, T.N. He has many credentials to recognize his scholarship , the prestigious one is D. Litt. (honoris causa), S.L.B.S. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi, 2001,
He has technical qualifications with a Masters in computer science. He is a pioneer in the field of Vedic Sanskrit related work in computers, at CDAC since 1991. He Made technical presentation to the Hon’ble PM and MPs on DESIKA software, an NLU system for Sanskrit at Parliament Annexe, New Delhi on 11.9.1991 regarding “Computer and Sanskrit research – national status”. He pursues his passion in various areas of Samskrit studies: Virtual Curriculum development for CD-ROM and web media for Sanskrit learning, Training programs for Sanskrit scholars and Computer Science students on Knowledge structures based on shastras – Knowledge Structures and Cognitive Systems project, Preservation of Ancient Indian Culture and Heritage thru’ digitization of rare, unpublished manuscripts (palm-leaf etc.) and propagation by developing Computational analytical tools and utilities.